Search Results
Isa Silveira — What if Picasso was a robot? Teaching art to the machine
Isabella Silveira - What if Picasso was a robot? Teaching art to the machine
Nordic.js 2018 • Isabella Silveira de Souza - Empathy Driven Development
How good are code challenges in interviews (Isa Silveira)
How long to onboard a new developer? (Isa Silveira)
Looking under the rug: the art of learning from failure by Isa Silveira | JSConf Budapest 2019
DNE 130 - Isa Silveira
Nordic.js 2019 • Isabella Silveira de Souza - Value Driven Development
Fearless by loving failure - Isa Silveira - Developer Discussions
Front In Sampa 2018 - Isa Silveira: Machine Learning + JavaScript: A Importância do Ócio
BateBapoDev #8 com Isa Silveira | Automatizações com Machine Learning + JS
Isabella Silveira / A importância do ócio: Delegando tarefas para a máquina com Machine Learning